Sunday, June 24, 2007

2006 wrap up

I've become shamefully neglectuful of this little journal. I've thought over and over about 2006 in passing. It was one of the most memorable years I've known. It's no excuse, of course, but it was also one of the most maddening, demanding, and disruptive.

Here's a recap of events following the date of my last post, for each of which I could probably write a short story. But anyway...

- A week in Hawaii with family for Grandpa's 90th
- Ski season ended July 1 at Mammoth
- Work hectic, more frustration and discontent
- Office moved to Alameda
- Sold the ragtop in 20 hours, almost got a new car
- Call from Landon: grab the camera, get in a cab
- James moved out to Seattle
- Had apt for one month alone, couldn't enjoy it, mostly on the road
- In contract to buy duplex 1 month after the phone call
- On road for another 6 weeks straight
- Cousin Elizabeth wedding in SF
- Clifford the big red dog
- Brother and Ginger moved my apt for me
- Came home, cleaned the apt, said goodbye
- Living out of boxes for rest of Summer
- Lots of little house projects
- Big Project #1: Shower remodel
- 30th birthday
- Nice, new skis for cheap; stoked
- Holloween in Yosemite
- Christmas in Seattle
- New Years back at the cabin, and all is well

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